Friday, 28 February 2014

Hello, Γειά σου.
As many of you can probably tell as you stumble across my small, bare blog this is my first post, but first of many I hope. I am just getting to grips with the whole technology thing and how to use it so you may have to bear with me on that one, but in terms of interesting, fun, varied and sometimes opinionated posts, you've come to the right place and there shall be no hesitation with them! Everything from outfits, food, travel, to what is happening around the world today, from the simple pleasures out of life to the real life. The reasoning for the name of the blog is I am half greek and I am interested to share and some knowledge and also expand my own of the culture (not that I think I am extremely chic!) I hope to speak to you soon, Corcyra. X

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